The below information has been issued by the FAAOF and relates to first aid training during COVID-19.

FAAOF recommend that first aid training (other than absolutely essential first aid training) should not restart until after the government has changed the COVID-19 alert status to Level 3.

Training must only take place where this is permissible in accordance with the UK Government and devolved administrations or regional restrictions.

Where training takes place, the following guidance must be followed:

  • A training provider must risk assess their training delivery and mitigate all risks of possible spread of COVID-19.
  • A training provider must design lessons to ensure that there is no close contact between learners and or trainers and a 2m distance is always maintained. Sensible adaptions to training and assessment activities must be introduced to achieve this.
  • A training provider must ensure appropriate handwashing facilities and / or alcohol hand sanitisers are available for use as learners enter and exit the training room and throughout their time in the classroom.
  • A training provider must have in place a process for preventing those with possible COVID-19 symptoms (fever, a new cough or loss of smell/taste) from entering the classroom. They must also have in place a process to manage instances of people who develop symptoms during the delivery of any training.
  • A training provider must have a process in place to be notified, then ‘track and trace’ other learners if someone on the course develops symptoms within 2 weeks of attending first aid training.
  • All equipment that is used by learners must be thoroughly cleaned before use by an individual learner.
  • The first aid taught must reflect protocols that ensure the safe performance of first aid during the current COVID-19 outbreak that is supported by a body of medical opinion and the Resuscitation Council UK. This must still include the teaching of rescue breaths.