COVID-19 continues to have an impact on how our industry operates. This page aims to provide answers to questions from our Centres, Assessors and External Quality Assurers and will be updated as soon as possible whenever new information is available.

Last Updated: August 2021


I have learners who have been issued with an e-certificate, but want their printed certificate. When will you be able to send these out again?
Our e-Certs are as valid and secure as our physical certificates, and we would recommend to use these. However, where this isn’t possible, we can send physical copies of certificates.

Are you still sending out assessment records and manuals?
We are shipping assessment records and manuals. To place orders please contact our Customer Service team.

Can my learners still sit paper-based exams?

Yes, using our exams system, paper-based exams can be downloaded and we will accept scanned copies of your exam papers being submitted. These documents can be uploaded to our exams software when prompted and the paper version should then be posted to TQUK.

I have submitted a certificate claim and TQUK have requested learner portfolio and IQA records. How can I help support the external quality assurance process?
We ask that you support the EQA process at this time by sending scanned copies of the learners’ work where this is possible. Just scan the work and email it to For clarity, please label each file with the name of the learner, the document name and, if you cannot compile each page into one document, the page that the file represents (for example, ‘Joe Bloggs – Learner Portfolio – Page 1’).

I have an EQA activity booked or I’m due a visit very soon. What is going to happen to that? Will it affect my DCS?
EQA Activities have continued remotely throughout the pandemic and we will continue to offer remote activities going forward. When it is your centre’s “annual” activity, if this takes place remotely, we will reschedule a further visit for 6 months, instead of the usual 12.

My learner has been impacted and is at a disadvantage due to the outbreak. Can any consideration for this be made?
You should consider the option for submitting a request for Special Consideration for the learner, this can be found in the Quality section of the website. Please add as much detail as possible and ensure supporting evidence is attached.

What has TQUK done to allow learners to continue to be awarded Regulated Qualifications during the Covid-19 measures?
Many of TQUK’s qualifications have available adaptations to their assessment principles, which aim to allow as many learners who were expecting to be assessed to be able to access assessments. TQUK is able to offer these adaptations as a result of the temporary regulatory frameworks which have been introduced by our qualification’s regulator as a result of COVID-19. All of these adaptations are detailed in the TQUK Adaptations document. This has been sent to all centres and is updated regularly following any changes – if you haven’t received this document please get in touch as soon as possible. We encourage any Recognised Centre experiencing difficulty in delivering assessments to contact us as soon as possible. TQUK is committed to engaging with and supporting all of our Recognised Centres in this challenging time.

We encourage any Recognised Centre experiencing difficulty in delivering assessments to contact us as soon as possible. TQUK is committed to engaging with and supporting all of our Recognised Centres in this challenging time.

My learners are currently undertaking the AET, CET, DET and Assessor qualifications. Are there any guidance or adjustments in place for them?
All qualification specific guidance can be found in the TQUK Adaptations document.

How has COVID impacted results for DEC?

We have updated our DEC Page to highlight information regarding our approach to awarding this Summer.

I’ve had a sampling request from TQUK, what is the process for this? Do I still send in learners portfolios as normal?
We ask that you support the EQA process at this time by sending scanned sampling documents. Just scan the work and email it to For clarity, please label each file with the name of the learner, the document name and, if you cannot compile each page into one document, the page that the file represents (for example, ‘Joe Bloggs – Learner Portfolio – Page 1’).

If you require any guidance or support with this, please contact us at that same address. Following the move to Step 4, we are still encouraging centres to provide scanned copies for sampling; however, we may accept paper-based sampling, if this is required please contact us at


I am a centre offering first aid at work qualifications, FAW and EFAW, what impact is the pandemic having on the HSE’s approach?

The latest update from the HSE with regards to certificate validity can be accessed here

I am a centre offering Paediatric First Aid qualifications, PFA and EPFA, what impact is the pandemic having on the Department for Educations’ expectations?

The latest update from the Department for Education can be accessed here.

I am a First Aid training provider and learners are expressing reluctance to conduct mouth-to-mouth resuscitation as part of CPR. What is the guidance on this matter?
The Resuscitation Council has previously issued guidance for Covid-19 and teaching resuscitation and CPR here.

What if I am losing First Aid personnel due to the coronavirus outbreak? Are there any steps I can take?
If a business loses designated First Aid personnel due to the coronavirus outbreak, it might, in some circumstances, be possible and reasonable to provide the First Aid provision afforded by The Health and Safety (First-Aid) Regulations 1981 by sharing First Aiders of a neighbouring business.

Advice on legal requirements is available:
First Aid at Work – The Health and Safety (First-Aid) Regulations 1981. Guidance on Regulation (L74)
First Aid cover and qualifications during the coronavirus outbreak

Where can I access general information about First Aid qualifications, e.g. blended learning
You can access updates about coronavirus and also standard approaches to First Aid through the First Aid Forum website here

Is there any guidance for businesses around social distancing and essential/non-essential work?
Yes, the HSE has released guidance which you can access here



What is Training Qualifications UK doing as part of the wider End-Point Assessment Organisation sector to manage and support assessment practice during the COVID-19 period?
We continue to work very closely with colleagues in the sector including other EPAOs, FAB, AELP, External Quality Assurance Providers (EQA) and the Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education (IFATE) to monitor the situation closely, and seek to find practical solutions to enable End-Point Assessments to continue to take place safely and in line with Government guidance. This initially included us taking an active role in several IfATE Task Force meetings to propose alternative assessment methods to temporarily replace practical based Observation assessments, as well as engaging with EPAO and Employer forums. As the situation continues to evolve, we are in regular contact with the relevant EQA providers to present further challenges now posed by the impact of COVID-19, these include the impact on wider assessment methods such as, Work-Based/ Business Projects and other Gateway and/or assessment requirements.

We are committed to ensuring that we keep all parties as up to date as possible and we will share standard and/or assessment specific updates and responses to any queries received.

What happens if an Apprentice’s contract is due to expire before they have had a chance to take their End-Point Assessment?
The ESFA guidance states that the Training Providers and/or Employers are responsible for the extending of an Apprentice’s contract or finding them new employment within 12 weeks. In extenuating circumstances, the ESFA will provide practical support in securing alternative employment for Apprentices.

End-Point Assessment can still take place where an Apprentice is furloughed, as can training.


What is Training Qualifications UK’s position on a remote assessment?
We are strong advocates of remote assessment and for an ever-growing number of our Standards, the End-Point Assessment can be conducted completely remotely. Please see some standard specific questions below for details of where alternative assessment methods can now be applied. Our Standard specific COVID delivery documents are also available on our Verve EPA website.

What is Training Qualifications UK’s stance on on-site assessments during the COVID outbreak?
At present, our primary method of assessment remains remote. However, in line with government guidance, we are able to consider and support onsite assessments. In all such instances, Training Providers will be asked to complete an Onsite Assessment Declaration form.

How do I request an onsite/ face-to-face assessment?
Whilst remote remains our primary method of assessment we are now able to support some onsite assessments to take place. Where this is requested we ask Training Providers to complete the Onsite Assessment Declaration Form and submit it to to confirm that the proposed assessment location is in line with current government guidelines. Additional guidance for on-site/face-to-face assessment is available to our Centres on Verve EPA.

My Apprentice has already progressed through Gateway and has opted to “Delay” one or more of the included assessment components. What do I need to do?
In such instances please contact us should you now wish to discuss the possibility of an onsite assessment. As we begin to conduct some onsite assessments Training Providers are asked to complete an Onsite Assessment Declaration Form and submit it to to confirm that the proposed assessment location is in line with current government guidelines. Our EPA Team will review these and communicate with you as to whether or not we can yet support the assessment to take place onsite.


Are we able to undertake the Gateway meeting remotely?
Yes, no problem at all! As we still require sign-off, we are able to accept electronic signatures where possible, scanned documents and email declarations, alongside the completed record form. Please remember to check and confirm all Apprentice contact details submitted at Gateway are current and correct. Please note- Where Gateway forms are signed via email declaration, we also need a declaration from the Apprentice that confirms they are happy for us to claim their Apprenticeship certificate, following the time permitted for any appeal submissions.

Is there any relaxation in relation to any of the mandatory qualification requirements to enable an Apprentice to progress through Gateway to undertake their End-Point Assessment?
Not at this time. The Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education (IfATE) have confirmed that in order for the apprenticeship programme to be complete and valid, all outlined mandatory qualifications must have been successfully achieved in line with the individual assessment plan, prior to an Apprentice commencing through Gateway to undertake End-Point Assessment.

Where another Awarding Organisation is not able to print certificates can you accept other forms of evidence to enable an Apprentice to be submitted at Gateway?
Yes – there is no change from our usual practice here. We already have a range of approved evidence types we can accept, such as exam result slips etc. Please contact us directly to discuss this, as required.

Additionally, the ESFA have confirmed that whilst some Awarding Organisations are currently unable to issue certificates, Training Providers may temporarily use a confirmation email from the Awarding Organisation as evidence of achievement.

For authentication, the confirmation email must detail the below and be sent to and include the following information

  • Apprentice details
  • Certificate run number
  • Unique number

If it may not be possible for all included assessments to be completed should I still progress the Apprentice through Gateway?
Yes, wherever possible End-Point Assessment should operate on a business-as-usual basis and Apprentices should be progressed through Gateway. We are doing our best to enable as many assessments to still take place. A 12 week End-Point Assessment extension and/ or Break in Learning can be applied during the End-Point Assessment period, as required, to enable certain assessments to be postponed until it is safe for these assessments to take place. (Please see more detail under Break in Learning)

I have an Apprentice who is nearing Gateway, but they are now working from home. Are assessments still able to take place?
We are being as proactive as we can to support assessments to still take place. At present our primary method of assessment delivery is via remote options. Remote assessments brings the added benefit that it can be delivered from a diverse range of locations. Please see our Controlled Environment Guidance, to help verify requirements. Where certain Standards include an onsite Practical Observation assessment, for many, an alternative assessment method has been approved as a temporary replacement to again support assessments to continue to take place. Please see the Standard specific information below.  We are also now able to conduct some onsite assessments where essential, in such instances Training Providers are asked to complete an Onsite Assessment Declaration Form and submit to

What happens if my Apprentice progresses through Gateway but their workplace is closed due to the current health situation before all of their assessments are complete?We continue to work quickly to allocate appropriate End-Point Assessors to Apprentices within 48 hours of them progressing through Gateway. As required, our Assessors can work with Apprentices and Employers to schedule assessments to support their timely completion.

Should an Apprentice be working from home or unable to attend their usual workplace, we will work with the Apprentice to complete assessments remotely, where possible, to support them in achieving their Apprenticeship.


What is the maximum delay in learning allowed during the End-Point Assessment stage?
Apprentices that are ready for Gateway should be progressed through this stage. For Standards where the Assessment plan specifies a time limit by which End-Point Assessment must be completed post-Gateway, this may be extended by up to 12 weeks where their assessments are not fully able to take place as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak.

Is an Apprentice allowed to have more than one break in learning during their End-Point Assessment?
Yes, to support individual circumstances several smaller breaks could be applied. However at present, for Standards where the Assessment Plan specifies a time limit by which End-Point Assessment must be completed post-Gateway, this can only be extended by up to 12 weeks.

How do I record breaks in learning?
All breaks in learning longer than four weeks pre-Gateway or during the End-Point Assessment period, must be recorded by the Training Provider on the ILR. We will internally record all pauses/ extensions to End-Point Assessment for an Apprentice and inform the relevant External Quality Assurance Provider. Please send all such requests through to

What happens where a 12-week extension will not be sufficient to enable a viable assessment opportunity for an Apprentice?
At present, we are following the given guidance that supports 12-week extensions, where the Assessment Plan specifies a time limit by which End-Point Assessment must be completed post-Gateway. Both IfATE and ESFA are monitoring the situation closely and will provide further guidance, as required. Where business operations are able to resume during this period, but workloads are still not sufficient to enable fair assessment opportunities, please discuss with us as we can seek to apply for individual extensions, as required. All such extensions will be reviewed on an individual basis by the relevant External Quality Assurance Providers.

What happens if an Apprentice completes one or more of their assessments but is then unable to complete the remaining one(s)?
We are working to support as many assessments to still take place as possible. Where it is not practicable or safe to complete an assessment we may need to pause and postpone assessments. In these instances, a break in learning may be required.

For Standards where the Assessment Plan specifies a time limit by which End-Point Assessment must be completed post-Gateway, this may be extended by up to 12 weeks.


My Apprentice is on a Level 2 Apprenticeship Standard which requires evidence of Functional Skills at Level 1 attainment before progressing through Gateway. Is there any relaxation of this during this period?

Currently, the requirement for all Apprentices to have evidence of them having attained a Level 1 Functional Skills or equivalent qualification remains. As per our usual practice, we are able to accept screenshots from the AO system, if this shows achievement and claiming, should your Awarding Organisation be unable to issue certificates.

My Apprentice is on a Level 2 Apprenticeship Standard which requires evidence of an “attempt” of Level 2 Functional Skills assessments before progressing through Gateway. Is there any relaxation of this during this period?

Yes, The ESFA has announced that due to continued COVID-19 disruptions, the temporary suspension of the rule requiring level 2 Apprentices to study towards, and attempt, level 2 Functional Skills has now been extended until 31st  July 2021.
This extended flexibility means that Apprentices who are due to take their End-Point Assessment up until 31st  July 2021 can continue to pass through Gateway without attempting the level 2 functional skills in English and Maths assessments.
A record should be kept by providers if a level 2 Apprentice does not take the attempt at level 2 assessments during this time.
For all level 2 Apprentices progressing through Gateway during this period, please continue to download the TQUK “Attempt Level 2 Functional Skills Exemption” form, which has been updated to reflect the extended date and is available on VERVE EPA.
We ask that this is used and uploaded as Gateway evidence, in place of the usual required attempted evidence.

Evidence of Functional Skills attainment is a requirement for my Apprentice before progressing through Gateway. Is there any relaxation of this during this period?

Unfortunately, the previous flexibility to permit Apprentices who were waiting to take their FSQ assessment to progress
pass through Gateway and take their EPA ahead of gaining their Functional Skills evidence ended on 31st May 2021.

Any Apprentices who progressed through Gateway on or before 31st May 2021 will still only complete their Apprenticeship once they have passed their EPA and achieved their FSQ in English and/or maths as required, and they must achieve their Functional Skills qualifications within three months of starting their EPA. For more information, please click here.


The standard my Apprentice is on includes a practical observation as part of the End-Point Assessment. Can this assessment still take place?
For many of the standards we are approved to deliver End-Point Assessment for, alternative remote-based assessment methods have been approved by the Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education as a response to government guidance. These alternative methods are detailed below under ‘Standard-Specific Questions’. They are all live and support materials are available under the specific standard’s section on VERVE EPA. In line with government guidance, we are now able to support some onsite assessments to take place. In such instances Training Providers are required to complete the required Onsite Assessment Declaration Form and submit it to to confirm that the proposed assessment location is in line with current government guidelines. Where an Apprentice does not wish to undertake the “alternative” assessment method but does not yet feel comfortable having an onsite assessment, they can still opt to choose “Delay”.

The assessment plan requires the Apprentice’s Employer to be present during their Professional Discussion or Interview assessment. However, due to current workplace changes or closures, the Employer is not able to be present. Will this prevent the assessment from taking place?
No. We will work with the Apprentice to progress with this assessment. Typically the role of the Employer is to be a silent observer, providing clarification for the End-Point Assessor, as required. As such, and due to the role not being involved with forming an assessment decision, we are able to mitigate this in order to support the Apprentice and give them the opportunity to complete the assessment as long as the Apprentice gives consent for this approach.

My Apprentice has progressed through Gateway. They have selected to undertake one of the approved alternative assessment methods, in place of a Practical Observation. If lockdown restrictions are lifted before this alternative assessment is carried out will they be required to revert back to undertake the assessment as an onsite Practical Observation?
At present, there is no prescribed deadline for when the approved alternative assessments will end. The Institute has confirmed they will remain in place until at least 31st August 2021. It is likely that such alternatives will be phased out over a period of time in line with individual sector requirements. When such plans are confirmed by the Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education, we will provide an update to all Training Providers and as necessary Apprentices. As onsite assessments start to resume, Apprentices, in most instances, will be able to select the most appropriate assessments option to support their circumstance.

The assessment plan includes a Project-Based assessment, due to furlough or other challenges relating to Covid my Apprentice is not able to complete this assessment as per all the outlined requirements of the assessment plan. Are you able to offer any such flexibility?
We are very aware of additional challenges being faced by such assessment methods, including those which we not initially a challenge at the start of the first lockdown period. In all instances that we are aware of, we have raised these with the relevant External Quality Assurance provider and will provide targeted responses as we are able to. We are also aware that the Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education are also looking at additional Task Force meetings to address these challenges more globally.


My Apprentice has completed their End-Point Assessment but their usual place of work is closed. What will happen to their apprenticeship certificate?
All apprenticeship certificates are issued by the ESFA directly to the Employer. Upon submitting the claim we use Employer details as provided to us within VERVE EPA. The ESFA have responded to the situation and have updated their system to allow us to offer a secondary/ alternative address for certificates to be issued to. In instances where a certificate is sent to an Employer but the place of work is closed these will be returned to the ESFA after two attempts. The ESFA will then work directly with EPAOs and Training Providers to discuss the best possible solutions on an individual basis. Should you need to update us with a more appropriate postal address for your Apprentice’s certificate please contact the EPA team.



Are you conducting assessments for Apprentices on the Hair Professional standard?

Yes – In line with government guidance and the reopening of Close Contact Services, we resumed onsite assessments on 14th April 2021.

Please visit our website for further updates linked to this standard.

My Apprentice is still unable to take their End-Point Assessment as there is no physical possibility for them to do so, what options do they have?

There has been an approved discretion for Apprentices who are physically unable to undertake an End-Point Assessment. This is outlined on the IfATE’s website on the Hair Professional page.

  • The Apprentice must produce a package of information that shows evidence of their summative assessment. This will include a mapping document, utilising reappropriated evidence provided from the apprentice’s on programme period, which is mapped to the knowledge skills and behaviours detailed in the EPA plan.
  • An Employer authentication of the Apprentice’s competence statement can be used.
  • A Professional Discussion will be used to confirm the Apprentice’s knowledge and understanding

Should you believe that an Apprentice is unable to undertake the End-Point Assessment due to factors out of their control, please contact to discuss the opportunity for them to undertake the above discretion. All requests will be considered on a case-by-case basis and if agreed, further support and guidance will be provided in the form of templates and support resources.


This standard includes an Observation assessment, are you able to offer an alternative remote-based assessment?
Yes! Following joint work from the Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education, Ofqual, The Chair of the Trailblazer group and several End-Point Assessment Organisations an alternative assessment method has been approved. Apprentices will now have the option to undertake a Reflective Statement with Question & Answer Session assessment in place of the Observation assessment. (Please see our Standard-Specific document on VERVE EPA for more detail). We are operationally LIVE with the delivery of this alternative assessment method.

Please note – This dispensation has permitted to be extended to 30th June 2022


This standard includes an Observation assessment, are you able to offer an alternative remote-based assessment?
Yes! Following joint work from the Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education, Ofqual, The Chair of the Trailblazer group and several End-Point Assessment Organisations an alternative assessment method has been approved. Apprentices will now have the option to undertake a Reflective Statement with Question & Answer Session assessment in place of the Observation assessment. (Please see our Standard-Specific document on VERVE EPA for more detail). We are operationally LIVE with the delivery of this alternative assessment method.


This standard includes an Observation assessment, are you able to offer an alternative remote-based assessment?
Yes! Following joint work from the Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education, Ofqual, The Chair of the Trailblazer group and several End-Point Assessment Organisations an alternative assessment method has been approved. Apprentices will now have the option to undertake a Reflective Statement with Question & Answer Session assessment in place of the Observation assessment. (Please see our Standard-Specific document on VERVE EPA for more detail). We are operationally LIVE with the delivery of this alternative assessment method.


This standard includes an Observation assessment, are you able to offer an alternative remote-based assessment?
Yes! Following joint work from the Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education, Ofqual, The Chair of the Trailblazer group and several End-Point Assessment Organisations an alternative assessment method has been approved. Apprentices will now have the option to undertake a Reflective Statement with Question & Answer Session assessment in place of the Observation assessment. (Please see our Standard-Specific document on VERVE EPA for more detail). We are operationally LIVE with the delivery of this alternative assessment method.


This standard includes an Observation assessment, are you able to offer an alternative remote-based assessment?
Yes! Following joint work from the Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education, Ofqual, The Chair of the Trailblazer group and several End-Point Assessment Organisations an alternative assessment method has been approved. Apprentices will now have the option to undertake a Witness Testimony with Question & Answer Session assessment in place of the Observation assessment. (Please see our Standard Specific document on VERVE EPA for more detail). We are operationally LIVE with the delivery of this alternative assessment method.


This standard includes an Observation assessment, are you able to offer an alternative remote-based assessment?
Yes! Following joint work from the Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education, Ofqual, The Chair of the Trailblazer group and several End-Point Assessment Organisations an alternative assessment method has been approved. Apprentices will now have the option to undertake a Witness Testimony with Question & Answer Session assessment in place of the Observation assessment. (Please see our Standard-Specific document on VERVE EPA for more detail). We are operationally LIVE with the delivery of this alternative assessment method.


This standard includes an Observation assessment, are you able to offer an alternative remote-based assessment?
Yes! Following joint work from the Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education, the EQA Provider, The Chair of the Trailblazer group and several End-Point Assessment Organisations an alternative assessment method has been approved.

Apprentices will now have the option to submit a Competency Framework supported by a Question & Answer Session in place of the Observation assessment. (Please see our standard-specific document on VERVE EPA for more detail)

We are operationally LIVE with the delivery of this alternative assessment method.


This standard includes an Observation assessment, are you able to offer an alternative remote-based assessment?
Yes! Following joint work from the Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education, the EQA Provider, The Chair of the Trailblazer group and several End-Point Assessment Organisations an alternative assessment method has been approved.

Apprentices will now have the option to submit a Competency Framework supported by a Question & Answer Session in place of the Observation assessment. (Please see our standard-specific document on VERVE EPA for more detail)

We are operationally LIVE with the delivery of this alternative assessment method.


This standard includes an Observation assessment, are you able to offer an alternative remote-based assessment?
Yes! Following joint work from the Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education, the EQA Provider, The Chair of the Trailblazer group and several End-Point Assessment Organisations an alternative assessment method has been approved.

Apprentices will now have the option to submit a Competency Framework supported by a Question & Answer Session in place of the Observation assessment. (Please see our standard-specific document on VERVE EPA for more detail.)

We are operationally LIVE with the delivery of this alternative assessment method.


This standard includes an Observation assessment, are you able to offer an alternative remote-based assessment?
Yes! Following joint work from the Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education, the EQA Provider, The Chair of the Trailblazer group and several End-Point Assessment Organisations an alternative assessment method has been approved.

Apprentices will now have the option to submit a Competency Framework supported by a Question & Answer Session in place of the Observation assessment. (Please see our standard-specific document on VERVE EPA for more detail)

We are operationally LIVE with the delivery of this alternative assessment method.


This standard includes both a Practical Observation and Culinary Challenge Observation assessment, are you able to offer alternative remote-based assessments?
Yes! Following joint work from the Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education, the EQA Provider, The Chair of the Trailblazer group and several End-Point Assessment Organisations alternative assessment methods have been approved.

Practical Observation
Apprentices will now have the option to submit a Competency Framework supported by a Question & Answer Session in place of the Observation assessment.

Culinary Challenge Observation
Apprentices will now have the option to submit a Competency Framework supported by a Question & Answer Session in place of the Culinary Challenge assessment.

(Please see our standard-specific document on VERVE EPA for more detail)

We are operationally LIVE with the delivery of this alternative assessment method.


This standard includes both a Practical Observation and Culinary Challenge Observation assessment, are you able to offer alternative remote-based assessments?

Yes! Following joint work from the Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education, the EQA Provider, The Chair of the Trailblazer group and several End-Point Assessment Organisations alternative assessment methods have been approved.

Practical Observation
Apprentices will now have the option to submit a Competency Framework supported by a Question & Answer Session in place of the Observation assessment.

Culinary Challenge Observation
Apprentices will now have the option to submit a Competency Framework supported by a Question & Answer Session in place of the Culinary Challenge assessment.

(Please see our standard-specific document on VERVE EPA for more detail)

We are operationally LIVE with the delivery of this alternative assessment method.


This standard includes an Observation assessment, are you able to offer an alternative remote-based assessment?
Yes! Whilst a formal alternative assessment method has not been approved, there is some flexibility we can apply to support some assessments to still take place.

Where an Apprentice has adapted their own practice and is routinely conducting Assessing/ Coaching sessions virtually it is permissible for us to undertake the required Observation assessment via remote methods. Please note this may not be suited to all Apprentices and Training Providers should discuss this with us on an individual Apprentice basis.


This standard includes an Observation assessment, are you able to offer an alternative remote-based assessment?
Yes! Whilst a formal alternative assessment method has not been approved, there is some flexibility we can apply to support some assessments to still take place.

Where an Apprentice has adapted their own practice and is routinely conducting Mentoring sessions virtually it is permissible for us to undertake the required Observation assessment via remote methods. Please note this may not be suited to all Apprentices and Training Providers should discuss this with us on an individual Apprentice basis.


This End-Point Assessment requires the Apprentice to carry out a post-gateway project. If that is no longer possible due to current circumstances, what are their options?

The IfATE have published COVID-19 discretions for these two standards which include.

Learning and Development Practitioner

The following Covid-19 temporary discretion has been agreed until further notice:

On-programme project can replace or supplement a post Gateway project where this has not been able to be completed.

Where there is no recording or the recording has not been possible this can be replaced by a witness testimony from an appropriate member of staff from the employer.

Learning and Development Consultant Business Partner

The following Covid-19 temporary discretion has been agreed until further notice.

The work-based project in Learning and Development standards are pre-EPA and can be now used as part of the EPA assessment.

For further support and additional information, please see the EPA Delivery during COVID-19 guidance under the supporting materials on Verve EPA.


What adjustments have been made for Registered Nurse (RN) Degree Apprentices and Nursing Associate (NA) Apprentices?
While we don’t offer those Standards, we feel it’s important to broadcast the flexibilities that the IfATE has made. The Institute has stated:

“With immediate effect and during the Covid-19 crisis any RN and NA apprentices who have:

  • Completed the Nursing and Midwifery Council approved programme
  • Been assessed by the NMC as having permanently met the requirements for Professional Registration
  • Have passed through the apprenticeship gateway

Will be regarded to have met the End Point Assessment (EPA) requirements and have achieved their apprenticeship.”

For more information, please visit the IfATE website.

What if my challenge is not listed on this list of Frequently Asked Questions?
Whilst we are doing our best to keep this list updated, we appreciate it will not cover all eventualities. Please email or call the office on 03333 583 344 so that we can provide you with tailored support to meet your needs. Our aim is to keep assessments running wherever possible!