Our Partners

Our business partners are essential to our continued growth as an Awarding Organisation. Whether it be building responsive and customer driven website designs to assist our recognised centres, or liaising with Federations and governing bodies within our sector to help better the products we deliver, our partners support us every step of the way.

Find out more about our key business partners below and follow the links through to their websites for further information.

We Are Net*

Set up in 2012 by experienced business manager Annette Ritson, We Are Net aims to help clients to grow their businesses by creating and designing attractive and user friendly websites, introducing branding to attract their perfect customer and marketing their products and services.

Net* attributes its success to three key factors: putting the right business infrastructure in place from day one, growing at a steady but sustainable pace and being passionate about the work they do for clients

Net* helps Training Qualifications UK to present their range of accredited qualifications to the public by designing our clean and easy to use website whilst they also host and design the makeup of the learner management suite.

The Skills Network

Through exceptional accredited qualifications and inspiring learning experiences, The Skills Network helps over 25,000 learners achieve a nationally recognised qualification each year across employer, education and employer settings.

With their award-winning Learner Management System (LMS) ‘EQUAL’ and accredited published educational content, The Skills Network has created an innovative learning model that includes support from subject specialist Tutors and dedicated Learner Support Advisors.

They deliver accredited qualifications, apprenticeships, CPD certified short courses and sector-specific vocational programmes.

Federation of Awarding Bodies

The Federation of Awarding Bodies is the membership organisation for vocational awarding bodies in the UK with over 110 organisations in membership. Representing a respected voice within the vocational qualifications and education arena, they raise the profile of vocational qualifications whilst updating, informing and advising awarding bodies on issues of interests around vocational qualifications.

Training Qualifications UK is a Full Member with the Federation of Awarding Bodies. This means that we have the necessary resources and expertise to offer qualifications and other validations of learning outcomes to a recognised and transparent standard that meets the needs of learners, employers and stakeholders. 

Transcend Awards

Driving excellence through the delivery of world-leading awarding solutions in education, physical activity and the creative arts, Transcend Awards are a brand new approach to awarding solutions. Find out more at http://www.transcendawards.com or email info@transcendawards.com.

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Qualification Price List
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with you.

TQUK Recognised Centres

Joining Training Qualifications UK as a Recognised Centre brings a host of benefits.

No annual membership fee

A dedicated Client Relationship Officer assigned to your centre, helping you through every process

99% of e-certificates issued within 24 hours of request and paper certificates within 48 hours


TQUK Level 1 Award in Alcohol Awareness (RQF)

Qualification of the Month: TQUK Level 1 Award in Alcohol Awareness (RQF) Read More >

Sustainability in the curriculum

Qualification of the Month: TQUK Level 4 Certificate in Teaching and Learning for Sustainable Development (RQF) Read More >

TQUK Fast Support