Supporting your delivery of the complete Apprenticeship Standard solution with mandatory qualifications.
We've been blazing a trail in Apprenticeships ever since we were accepted onto the Register of End-Point Assessment Organisations in April 2017. We were the first to complete Apprentices on the Adult Care Worker, Lead Adult Care Worker, Commis Chef and Hospitality Team Member Apprenticeship Standards, and are now proud to offer more than 35 Standards across nine sectors.
What’s our approach to Apprenticeships?
We work with Training Providers, Employers and Employer-Providers around the country to provide fair, accurate and comprehensive assessments. Before getting to this stage, we ask Apprentices to meet with their Employers to ensure that they are fully prepared and can display the Knowledge, Skills and Behaviour (KSB’s) they have learned during their On-programme learning phase.
At the End-Point Assessment stage, we’re always striving for innovation and excellence. Our bank of End-Point Assessors are carefully selected by our in-house recruitment team to ensure utmost quality and consistency, and we offer a range of resources – all created in-house – that make for a more streamlined and efficient process.
What’s more, we liaise with and sit on Employer Groups and External Quality Assurance groups. This means that we’re much more than an End-Point Assessment Organisation – we’re actually engaging with and influencing the entire Apprenticeship process from beginning to end: the creation, delivery and, of course, assessment of Standards.
This means that we’re particularly well-placed to advise on major reforms such as the Richards Review and the switch from Frameworks to Standards. We pass this insight onto our customers, offering the kind of straightforward support that’s made our name and helping both Employers and Apprentices get the very most out of each and every Standard we offer.
What are mandatory qualifications?
Qualifications and Apprenticeships are very different ways of learning but in some cases, qualifications have to be taken as a part of an Apprenticeship Standard for the Apprentice to pass. These are known as mandatory qualifications.
When a Trailblazer Group is developing a new Standard, they will make a decision on whether that Standard requires a mandatory qualification as part of the Apprentice’s journey. If the Group decides that it does, all Apprentices taking that Standard must pass the accompanying mandatory qualification to pass the overall Standard.

How can Training Qualifications UK help?
We’re both an Awarding Organisation and an End-Point Assessment Organisation, so we’re able to offer both the End-Point Assessment of Standards and the mandatory qualifications for any Standards that require them.
You can work with us to deliver your EPA requirements without delivering the mandatory qualifications. But through our position as an AO and EPAO, we’re empowered to offer the streamlined process and straightforward support that you need to maximise your time and secure the very best outcome for your Apprentices.
Similarly, you can work with us in helping your Apprentices to achieve their mandatory qualifications whilst working with another EPAO to deliver their overall assessment.
Did you know, for example, that we are just one of a handful of awarding organisations to offer a Department for Education approved Early Years Educator qualification? One of these qualifications has to be undertaken in order to complete the Early Years Educator Apprenticeship Standard.
Other apprenticeship mandatory qualifications that we offer include:
- TQUK Level 2 Award in Safeguarding and Protecting Children and Young People (RQF) – Learning and Skills Teacher Apprenticeship Standard.
- TQUK Level 2 Diploma for Hair Professionals (Hairdressing) (RQF) – Hair Professional Apprenticeship Standard
- TQUK Level 2 Diploma for Hair Professionals (Barbering) (RQF) – Hair Professional Apprenticeship Standard
- TQUK Level 2 Diploma in Care (RQF) – Adult Care Worker Apprenticeship Standard
- TQUK Level 3 Award in Paediatric First Aid (RQF) – Early Years Educator Apprenticeship Standard
- TQUK Level 3 Award in Emergency Paediatric First Aid (RQF) – Early Years Educator Apprenticeship Standard
- TQUK Level 3 Diploma in Residential Childcare (RQF) – Children, Young People and Families Practitioner Apprenticeship Standard
- TQUK Level 3 Diploma for the Children and Young Peoples Workforce (RQF) (Early Learning and Childcare) – Early Years Educator Apprenticeship Standard
- TQUK Level 3 Diploma in Adult Care (RQF) – Lead Adult Care Worker Apprenticeship Standard
- TQUK Level 3 Diploma in Management (RQF) – Team Leader/Supervisor Apprenticeship Standard
- TQUK Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training (RQF) – Learning and Skills Teacher Apprenticeship Standard
- TQUK Level 5 Diploma in Leadership and Management for Residential Childcare (RQF) – Children, Young People and Families Manager Apprenticeship Standard
- TQUK Level 5 Diploma in Leadership and Management for Children, Young People and Children in the Community (RQF) – Children, Young People and Families Manager Apprenticeship Standard
Sound good? Find out how we can help you by filling in the contact form below or calling us on 03333 583344

It has been confirmed by the Education and Skills Funding Agency that Apprenticeships will officially move from frameworks to standards by 2020. Training Qualifications UK can confirm that all frameworks will be withdrawn by the 2020/21 academic year, and all Employers and providers should have completed the transition to Apprenticeship Standards by this date.
The last date for new starts on all remaining live Apprenticeship Frameworks will be 31st July 2020. All Apprenticeship starts from 1st August 2020 will be on new, Employer-designed standards.